Debut Streaming Of The Wall2Wall Virtual Festival
Last night at 9.00pm we tuned into the Black Mountain Jazz Wall2Wall Festival. It was our turn to have our video streamed and we hadn’t seen it before so we waited a little nervously!
I have to say that it was 80 mins of really well put together footage, all looking and sounding fabulous. At £10 for a single person viewing / £15 for a family viewing it’s very good value for money indeed, especially as you can watch the video over and over again until end of November…the band wasn’t bad either! Seriously, hats off to Black Mountain Jazz and all involved!
Here’s a few screen shots captured by photographer Ron Milsom as he tuned in. You’ll see that you get a full band performance together with our interview with the lovely John Hellings. There’s a great, varied set of music from jazzy classics, original tracks, calypso style, emotional ballads and some more funky, energetic music. You’ll be sure to be entertained and guaranteed a bit of foot-tapping! If you missed last night’s debut, don’t worry, you can still grab your tickets now!